And a few more questions that have never stumped atheists…
- antitheo
- June 29, 2022
- atheism
- essay
- meme
- religion
They never seem to stop trying, do they? OK, I’ll play along. 1. Do you really believe that science is the only answer to all of life’s questions? No, and I don’t think anyone ever said it could, or should. Science is the best tool we have for understanding the world around us, including how […]
Read MoreTwenty (more, because none of these lists has stumped any atheist yet) questions atheists (supposedly) struggle to answer
- antitheo
- June 28, 2022
- atheism
- essay
- meme
- religion
I’m going to preface this briefly before diving in. Like most such lists, these questions fall into roughly four categories: 1. we don’t know X, therefore god, 2. I don’t understand science, therefore god, 3. how is [completely unrelated thing] possible without god, and 4. since you don’t believe in god, why aren’t you a […]
Read MoreTrump and the Blood Libel
I have said before that Trump has intentionally evoked thinly veiled white supremacist rhetoric. I’ll cover a few instances of this before noting what I found most disturbing in his speech from Tulsa. One example that might easily be missed without context is his comment about the ‘good bloodlines,’ of Henry Ford: “good bloodlines, good […]
Read MoreEssay on ‘Not real Christians’
- antitheo
- August 17, 2019
- christianity
- essay
- opinion
- religion
People keep saying “Islam is a peaceful religion,” and then they follow it up with “ISIL isn’t Islamic” or “ISIL is not real Islam, but a twisted and warped version of it.” Or, these days it’s “Those people aren’t real Christians” or “real Christians would never vote for this or that or so-and-so,” of “no […]
Read MoreWho Made Whom? The Legacy of Fingerpointing in the Era of Trump
- antitheo
- June 17, 2019
- christianity
- essay
- politics
- Trump
Someone posted this as pushback to the fear and bewilderment at Trump and his ilk, and the rise of fascistic ideology springing up worldwide. I felt the need to reply. “How did this happen you ask? You created “us” when you attacked our freedom of speech.” – No, we did not ‘attack’ your freedom of […]
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